Shot with a Google Glass we see cork harvesting from the perspective of the skilled harvester. Cork is the most sustainable and renewable forestry resource.
Shot with a Google Glass we see cork harvesting from the perspective of the skilled harvester. Cork is the most sustainable and renewable forestry resource.
We are working with Spanish, Eco-Tour company, Two Birds-One Stone on specialized tours of the cork forests in Spain. The tours will be 12 days long and limited to 8 people, per tour. There will only be four tours, each year, the tours will take place during the harvest, May-July. We will keep posting newContinue Reading
Please watch the TED Talk from our Executive Director, Patrick Spencer, it’s really worth the 14 mins!
The Cork Forest Conservation Alliance, Cork Quality Council and Willamette Valley Vineyards will be hosting a seminar and wine tasting in the Alaska room at 9:00 PM in the DoubleTree. Outline of Seminar on Bottle Variation
We are very honored to announce that Wine&Spirits Magazine, America’s practical guide to the straightforward, enlightened enjoyment of fine wine and premium spirits, has become our newest collection partner. All of the natural corks collected from their review tastings and events will be donated to the Cork ReHarvest program. Thank you to the staff atContinue Reading
We are very excited to announce our new natural cork recycling partnership with CorkIt of Vancouver BC. They are recycling the corks collected at our global partner, Whole Foods Market stores in the greater Vancouver area. We want to thank our partner Whole Foods Market, for all the effort provided to put this partnership togetherContinue Reading
Please join us in supporting The Nature Conservancy’s Green Gift Monday, November 28th. This Cyber Monday give a gift that’s good for the planet. We want to encourage you to find responsible, meaningful holiday gifts—make something, give an experience, donate to a cause or purchase an eco-friendly product. Sign the pledge to give greenContinue Reading
We are very happy to announce the newest collection partner in the Cork ReHarvest program, Napa Valley Vintners Association. They are located at 1475 Library Lane, St. Helena, CA. Bring in your natural wine corks and let them know you support our efforts.
Our partners at Wente Vineyards are holding a really great concert on Saturday, September 10th and if you’re in the neighborhood, you should attend. All the corks from the wines opened during the day long event will be donated to our Cork ReHarvest program. To learn more about the concert follow this link Wente BottleRockIt Concert. HaveContinue Reading
This study was conducted by a team of researchers, including Dr. George Bittner, Professor of Neurobiology, University of Texas, Austin. info%3Adoi%2F10.1289%2Fehp.1003220. When asked for information regarding plastic wine closures, one of the research team members, Stuart Yainger sent us this reply: “The plastic corks tested were Nomacorcs, sourced from a winemaker supply house (Winemakers Depot). We tested both the outerContinue Reading
The Cork Forest Conservation Alliance has been nominated for a Classy Award in the category, “Most Effect Awareness Campaign”. For our promotion and partnership with Anthropologie. The Classy Awards are the Oscars of the nonprofit world. We are very honored to have been nominated, but we need your help. Only the top 10 vote getters are invited to theContinue Reading
As I fly home from the 2011 Wine Bloggers Conference, I’m pondering the reply to a question I posed before I left, “will it be worth attending?” We made the decision not only to attend, but to be a sponsor as well. Sponsorship we hoped, would offer us a greater opportunity for interaction with theContinue Reading
If you’d like to own one of the stunning pieces of cork art created by the Anthropologie Visual Teams, please follow this link to learn how: Cork Art Silent Auction
If you’d like to own on one of these stunning works of art, please follow the link to learn how:li:http://www.anthropologie.com/anthro/catalog/category.jsp?popId=CLOTHES&navAction=jump&id=HOME-CORK-AUCTION&cm_mmc=Email-_-Event_11-_-050211_AnthroCorkUS-_-auction Th
We are very honored to announce that Wente Vineyards, Americas oldest, continuously operated family-owned winery has joined our cork recycling program. With values of Respect, Integrity, Sustainability and Excellence, the Wente family has a proven commitment to their employees, customers and to our planet. We encourage you to support the wonderful wines of the WenteContinue Reading
Here’s a great post: http://www.gonzogastronomy.com/2011/04/its-natures-way-of-telling-you-somethings-wrong/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
When asked to speak at the 3rd CCWC , in Marbella Spain, I was to be honest quite honored. Considering that former Vice President Al Gore was the keynote speaker in 2008 and former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan was this year’s keynote speaker, I anticipated meeting a group of individuals who had come togetherContinue Reading
In an effort to raise awareness about conservation of the cork forests of the Mediterranean and natural cork recycling, Willamette Valley Vineyards (WVV) teamed up with The Cork Forest Conservation Alliance (CFCA) and Amorim Cork to sponsor the 2nd annual cork collection contest. For every 3lbs of cork (approx. 375 corks) a person brought toContinue Reading
While attending the Garden State Green Fest, I had the extreme pleasure of meeting Katie Fetterolf and Erika Sorgule, the visionary team that developoed our Earth Day partnership with Anthropologie stores. We’ll have more info and pics in the next two weeks, but for now, hats off to an amazing team!
We are very excited to announce another collection partner, Wine World Warehouse in Seattle WA. With thousands of customers, ready to bring in their natural corks, we’re really excited about the amount of cork they’re going to collect. Please visit their website: http://wineworldwarehouse.com/
We are very happy to add Sojourns Fair Trade store to our growing list of collection partners. If you’re in Birmingham AL make sure to stop by and drop off your natural corks, Sojourns 2017 Third Avenue North Birmingham, AL 35203 205-323-5680 www.AdventureArtPeace.com
We are proud sponosors of this conference that joins wine bloggers, new media innovators, and wine industry leaders on July 22-24, 2011 in Charlottesville, Virginia. This the fourth annual North American Wine Bloggers Conference – the premier conference for new media and the wine industry. This three-day symposium builds on their past successes and bringsContinue Reading
Check this site out:http://aileenrae.blogspot.com/
We are listed at: www.greatnonprofits.org and would be very grateful if you’d write a review about our organization. Thanks!
Hey check this out, our recycling partner Recycledfish.org has got a cool wine cork rod giveaway:http://www.recycledfish.org/blog/uncategorized/spread-the-word-win-a-rod/
Patrick Spencer on YouTube
Radium/Reel FX, a creative studio specializing in animation, visual effects, motion design, and editorial, jumps on board as Cork ReHarvest’s latest partner. Visit them at www.RadiumReelFX.com.
CorkSavvy talks to Patrick Spencer about how to get involved in Cork ReHarvest… [youtube]P2fs56z2-3I[/youtube]
We are very excited to help promote this amazing new company! Check out their website: http://winebottlerecycling.com/ Here’s a quote from their home page: Wine Bottle Renew provides wineries with clean, safe and cost-effective wine bottles. Our service enables wineries to significantly lower their carbon footprint, lower their wine bottle cost and provide a good-for-everyone solutionContinue Reading
Recently First Lady Obama hosted celebrity chefs Bobby Flay, Mario Batali and Emeril Lagasse to the White House for a “cook off”. As all of these chefs are collection partners for Cork ReHarvest, we thought it would be a great idea if the White House did the same. So we’re asking our loyal Facebook friendsContinue Reading
We got a nice mention from the “green wine groupie”: http://www.oregonwinepress.com/article…
The United Nations web site for the “Year of Biodiversity” has just posted the press release from Whole Foods Markets about our partnership. We are so honored to have been recognized by the U.N for our work! Please continue to support Cork ReHarvest so that we can continue our work.
New Seasons Market announces a new partnership with Cork ReHarvest, Willamette Valley Vineyards and Bacchus Fine Wines that enables customers to recycle their corks at all of our nine stores. Starting June 14, customers can now bring their corks to any New Seasons Market and simply drop them in a cloth bag hanging in theContinue Reading
May 25th, 2010 Cork ReHarvest is proud to announce its partnership with the Batali & Bastianich Hospitality Group. Beginning this month, the group’s 14 Certified Green Restaurants ® in New York City, Los Angeles and Las Vegas, will be collecting their natural wine corks for the Cork ReHarvest recycling program. Batali and Bastianich’s Restaurants serveContinue Reading
The new question of the week is, “doesn’t recycling the cork here in North America take away cork sales from the farmers you’re trying to protect?” Simple answer: no. Long answer, the cork being collected and recycled by our organization and its partners is not being reused for wine corks as they have been compromisedContinue Reading
It’s the end of the day, April 6th and I’m still in shock and amazement at what has happened today. A dream of mine has come true and I couldn’t be happier. In a national press release, Whole Foods Markets announced its partnership with Cork ReHarvest, to collect natural wine corks in all 292 storesContinue Reading
Today I had the pleasure of attending the Oregon Wine Symposium in the beautiful city of Eugene. During my time there I got to meet and speak with a number of people from all aspects of the wine industry. Mostly I spent my time speaking with the representatives of the cork companies. The “cork dork”Continue Reading
We are very proud to announce our partnership with the Leeanau Peninsula Vintners Association. Continuing their commitment to sustainable wine making practices, the 21 wineries in the upper Michigan peninsula have joined together to collect their cork in support of Cork ReHarvest’s efforts. “We are very excited and honored to be part of this effortContinue Reading
Here’s a great article about cork usage in the building of airplanes: http://www.wired.com/autopia/2010/02/cork-airplane/
I’ve received a number of comments about our new website, thank you all for your feedback! One of the questions that has appeared a few times is, “How is the cork being recycled?” Great question, here’s the answer. As the cork is collected across the US and Canada, it is being sent regionally to oneContinue Reading
We’re very excited that today Bobby Flay Twittered that his restaurant Mesa Grill at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas is a collection station for Cork ReHarvest. Thank you Bobby for your support of our organization!
Savor takes another step in its commitment to green practices Savor Catering at Marion Oliver McCaw Hall is pleased to announce a partnership with Cork ReHarvest, a recycling program to reclaim a small portion of the estimated 13 billion natural cork wine stoppers sold into the world market each year. Savor is already an industryContinue Reading
I’ve just come back from the “Green Wine Summit” in Santa Rosa CA and did I ever learn a lot. It was a wonderful opportunity to see so many people from all aspects of the wine industry coming together to learn and to teach about the advancements in sustainable, organic and bio dynamic wine making. We learned about the publicsContinue Reading
As Cork ReHarvest continues to grow, I’m always amazed by the questions and comments I receive. Not only from the public but from wine industry professionals as well. Often someone will say to me “I buy screwcap wines because I’m saving the cork forests”. They get a blank look back from me before I can gatherContinue Reading